New Patient Center
If you are visiting with us for the first time we will do everything we can to resolve your health problems quickly. Often health issues can be resolved with just a single visit, but multiple appointments might be required for those suffering from severe, or chronic illnesses. To make your first visit with us efficient and practical we ask that you bring along any results from recent blood tests, X-rays, MRI’s, or CAT scans.
Office Visits
Please be sure to budget at least 40 minutes for an initial office visit and approximately 20 minutes for any follow-up visits. When you arrive at our office you will be promptly greeted by one of our staff members and you may be asked to change into a patient gown. If you are a new to our practice you will be asked to fill out patient paperwork. Dr. John Klimediotis conducts an in-depth evaluation which may include the following:
- Consultation
- Examination
- Blood testing
As part of this in-depth evaluation you may receive a chiropractic adjustment and report of findings. In addition, Dr. John Klimediotis will conduct a thorough review of your overall bodily systems which analysis the cause of your suffering, plus it helps produce a speedier recovery and eliminates future re-occurrences.
Fees: All office visits of $150.00 can be paid by either cash or credit cards.
Cancellation of Visits: All cancellations within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment are automatically charged to your credit card.
Our Challenge to You
If you have never received chiropractic care before and feel a little nervous, or skeptical, we understand and sympathize, but we offer you the following challenge: Allow us to examine and treat you just one time and if you feel better after the initial visit, then we invite you to continue your journey to optimal health. Children and adults alike love our care and value their time with us. We have the tools, training and unique expertise to make a significant difference to your health. Contact us today!